Delfoi Academy -project (DA) - program for promoting New Female Leadership
career support for women, training program, management training, leadership training, professional network, networking, equality, empowerment
The target of the training programme is to develop the leadership skills of young educated women, support their career planning and the building of their own professional network - to promote women career possibilities. The career opportunities of highly educated women are weaker that men in similar positions. Women need empowerment for their future managerial career, they have a lack of well functioning networks. Their self-esteem is often weaker to their male colleagues.
Project is carried out in collaboration with the following organisations:
Helsinki School of Economics - Small Business Center, HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd, Seinäjoki Vocational Education Centre, SEDU and Fakta & Fiktio Oy.
The purpose of the DA project is to promote equal career opportunities for young women and enable them to move to senior leadership positions. During the project a training programme for young educated women has been developed and piloted. This programme can be considered as a good practice on how to provide and empower young women with leadership capacities and how enable their leadership career planning and promotion in practice.
The DA-project contributes to the fulfilment of the following overall development objectives in Finland:
- Opportunities for young females to meet the leadership obligations of society
- Practical actions to fulfil the aims of the Finnish Government?s equality programme and increase the number of women in financial decision making.
- To strengthen the position of women in the labour market
- To support women?s leadership, career development and career circulation
The DA-project has been implemented in two pilot DA Leadership Training Programmes. During the first programme a curriculum and training materials was planned. During the second pilot the training was further developed and evaluated. The tested training programme will be available for further use to strengthen female management skills on a larger scale.
A total of 60 young women participated in the two pilot DA Leadership Coaching Programmes during the project period of 01.01.2005 - 31.01.2008: The first programme was conducted during December 2005 - October 2006 and the other programme during December 2006 - October 2007.
The objective of the training programme is to develop young educated women?s leadership skills, support their career planning as well as to develop and strengthen their professional networks. The basic leadership skills will be applicable in various organisations. The training programme is equal to 15 credits and its total duration is 10 months. It consists of contact days, (2 days seminars once a month), supervised distance learning and study in a network environment. During the programme each participant has a mentor organisation to familiarise her with managerial tasks and network with experienced leaders.
Added value of the product
Women self-esteem and professional identity are significantly improved by specific training for women. Also the possibility to build network and co-operate with other successful female colleagues enhances their possibilities. Participants came both from private and public sector, which gives a wider perspective to students and enlarge their networks and career opportunities.
Benefits of the training programme to the participants:
- The training programme provides management and leadership know-how and empowers the participants for their future managerial career.
- Professional networking is an essential way of working during the programme. In parallel with the training programme the DA-project makes public promotion for the participants. The programme introduces and helps to establish professional contacts with a wide range of Finnish organisations with a big variety of leadership career options.
- All young highly qualified women living or working in the Southern Finland have equal opportunities and open access to the programme. The organisation of the programme takes into account the participants? financial and educational equality.
The DA-project’s prestigious steering committee has consisted of influential persons from business life and other sectors of the society. Through the steering committee members the project has had access to a large network of organisations and companies as well as to versatile skills.
The DA-project has been implemented in two pilot Delfoi Akatemia Leadership Training Programs. During the first programme a curriculum and training materials was planned. During the second pilot the training was further developed. Both programs were evaluated. The tested training programme will be available for further use to strengthen female management skills on a larger scale.
Please ask more information about the programme contacts below. The program is suitable for young women interested managerial career, who need support to enhance their career possibilities in management. Many of ideas and tools can also be used in other training programs.
Critical success factors, overcoming challenges
Usually the lack of motivation to participate through the long programme is a big challenge. In this project the motivation to participate through the programme was very high. New method mentor-organization-study was also successful in building network and supporting career opportunities. We managed to use network co-operation to carry out the project. Access process we developed also turn out function as a part of learning process. The learning process itself worked very well to the direction of our purposes.
One challenge is to get the best teachers available, but in this case we are quite content with our product. However there are ideas how to develop the training program: there is a need for some focusing of themes. Also young participants can use more the internet-based teaching method for learning some subject details. But the space for professional communication and networking is the most valuable tool. Programs have already helped some participants to get managerial position.
Comments from users
"I got the tools to analyze my professional aims, new strength and better self-esteem to my job. And also I learned better reading skills of economical numbers, which is important at my work. It also came clear that I want to be a leader," says Stella Johansson, participant.
"Because of the training program it was easier to start a new management position. I got enthusiasm and learnt humbleness, which helped me to get trusted in my team. I felt that I managed, while this program continued at same time and gave me new knowledge, which I was able to use at my new job at once." Sini Saarenheimo, participant.
"The year in Delfoi Akatemia training program has been interesting and I learned many useful things ?.But maybe the most I learnt was about myself. Seminars and dialogues with other participants and mentors have started a process of personal growth. A year ago I had a very weak presentiment what I could and what I can do in the future at work. Now I know there are many possibilities and my future plans have became clearer. My confidence to my abilities has grown a lot during this year. Sanna Jokinen, participant.
The aim is that co-workers continue the programs and good practices developed in their training. Co-workers of Helsinki School of Economics and HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd will continue to develop the project further together. The objective is that we can also share our experiences and the knowledge we have got by participating conferences and other suitable occasions. Please see contacts below.
Co-working organizations and contact information
Helsinki School of Economics - Small Business Center:
The Small Business Center at the Helsinki School of Economics (HSE) specializes in developing entrepreneurship and business skills. We are primarily involved in training, research and development. Our offices are located in Helsinki, Mikkeli, St Petersburg and Tallinn.
Our services are based on HSE core skills which have received many national and international quality awards. Our cooperation with different institutions and units of HSE enables the developed know-how to be made available to the business sector. The HSE has received an award from the Ministry of Education for high quality adult education for 2007-2009. A long term performance combined with outstanding performance has enabled the Small Business Center to receive this award for the third time. A long term performance combined with outstanding performance has enabled the Small Business Center to receive this award for the third time.
Program Manager
Armiliisa Pakarinen
tel +358 10 2178 635
e-mail armiliisa.pakarinen(at)
HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd:
HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management Ltd was established in 1971 as a centralized state training agency for civil servants. In 1995 HAUS was transformed into a state enterprise, subordinated to the Ministry of Finance.In 2002 HAUS was converted into a state owned limited company. The state of Finland owns 100 % of HAUS shares.
The institute produces high-quality training and development services for public administration.
Ask for more information:
Training Manager Johanna Snellman
tel. +358 0207 180 249
e-mail johanna.snellman(at)>
Seinäjoki Vocational Education Centre, SEDU
Seinäjoki Vocational Education Centre provides studies leading to a total of 24 vocational qualifications, in a total of 44 study programmes. Under the umbrella of Sedu, you find professional know-how for all the educational fields. Diversified Adult education arranges varied training for adults, who can undertake Basic Qualifications, Vocational Qualifications, Special Vocational Qualifications and their components or other voluntary vocational further training. Adults can show their vocational skills by a demonstration qualification and receive for their ability official certification. All the qualifications also suit apprenticeships well.
Companies and other organisations can also find from Seinäjoki Vocational Education Centre, tailored training for their staff. The training can take place either at the education centre or at a company's own premises, depending on which is most suitable at the time. The development projects concentrate on companies? business operations or technical development.
Ask for more information:
Adult Education Director Pasi Artikainen
tel. +358 20 124 4514
mobile. +358 40 830 2415
fax +358 20 124 4501
e-mail pasi.artikainen(at)
Business Service Manager Satu Ahopelto
tel. +358 20 124 4526
mobile +358 40 868 0800
fax +358 20 124 4501
e-mail satu.ahopelto(at)
Kristiina Harju
e-mail kristiina.harju(at), fakta.fiktio(at)
office +358-208-708 807, +358-400-708 807/Kristiina Harju
Specialist in individual and group business training, coaching and consulting.
Enricher of human resources in leadership, team work, client services and in personal growth. Founded 1987. Our mission: We strengthen performance. We improve resilience and the enjoyment of work results. We help to succeed - individuals, groups, organizations.